The transportation department's main priority is ensuring that each and every student gets to and from school safely. Our drivers and dispatchers are committed to providing safe, efficient and timely transportation for Richfield students. Parents should review the school bus rules with their children prior to riding to ensure they understand the expectations for bus behavior. In addition, students in kindergarten through grade 10 must be certified for riding the school bus. During the first six weeks of school, students will receive the safety training required for certification. This training educates students on proper bus conduct, danger zones surrounding the bus and emergency evacuation procedures.
Daily transportation services are provided within district boundaries, as long as students are not within the walk zone for their school.
- Elementary students in kindergarten through grade 5 must live one mile or more from school to be eligible for transportation.
- Secondary students in grades 6-8 must live two or more miles from school to be eligible for transportation. Secondary students who reside within a walk zone may choose to participate in the Pay-to-Ride program.
- Preschool 4s students can apply for transportation when enrolling in preschool.
- Preschool 3s students are not eligible for transportation.
Community school boundaries apply. This means that if you live west of Nicollet, we will not provide transportation to Centennial, and if you live east of Nicollet, we will not provide transportation to Sheridan Hills.
Walk Zones
- Centennial Elementary
- Richfield Dual Language School
- Richfield High School
- Richfield Middle School
- Richfield STEM Elementary
- Sheridan Hills Elementary
Centennial Elementary
Richfield Dual Language School
Richfield High School
Richfield Middle School
Richfield STEM Elementary
Sheridan Hills Elementary
Transportation Information
Special Education Busing
We partner with select contracted bus companies to provide transportation to and from school for students receiving special services within the district. This includes students in special education programs and students who the district determined to be homeless or highly mobile. Your child's caseworker or the school social worker can help discern if they are eligible for transportation services.
In most cases, transportation services begin three to five days from the date of the request. The bus company will contact families with the start date, pick up times and vehicle number before transportation begins.
Special Education Busing FAQ
Walking and Biking to School
We encourage students to start their school day with a relaxing walk or leisurely bike ride.
Even a little bit of physical activity has been proven to activate the brain’s learning centers, helping students focus in class and get the most out of their school day. Walking and biking for transportation also has positive effects on physical and mental health, improves the air quality around the school and is just plain fun. Plus, families who switch from driving their children to/from school to walking/biking with them will find the stress of pick-up and drop-off traffic gone from their lives—as if by magic!
When you walk or bike, please consider these 10 tips to ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable trip:
- Test the route on a non-school day with your child. You’ll discover how long your trip takes and identify any potential hazards along the way.
- Use sidewalks and bike lanes whenever possible.
- Take extra care when you approach intersections, driveways, or other busy parts of the roadway. Look left, right and left again before crossing the street. Continue looking in each direction as you cross.
- If biking, always wear a helmet.
- Bicyclists must obey motor vehicle laws. That includes yielding to pedestrians, stopping for stop signs, signaling turns and traveling with the flow of traffic.
- Every school has bike racks. Make sure to remember a lock.
- Be alert. Having your eyes on your phone means they aren’t on the road, or traffic. If using headphones, keep the volume low to hear what is happening around you.
- Dress for the weather. Bright or reflective clothing is never a bad idea, especially in the darker winter months.
- If you start walking or biking more often, let the staff of your school know. They’ll keep an eye out for you and your children.
- Consider starting a “walking school bus” or “bike train” with other families in your neighborhood. It’s more fun with friends!
Learn more on our Safe Routes to School page.