Special Education
Our team of specialized professionals is dedicated to assuring a free, appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. We serve over 800 students who range in age from birth through 21.
Each one of our schools serves students with special needs. Most students are able to attend their neighborhood schools and every effort is made to integrate students into a regular classroom setting. For students with unique needs, we have specialty programs in various schools across the District to best meet these specific needs.
If you have questions about the Special Education program, or need to request records, email special-education@rpsmn.org.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is special education?
- What is the process for a special education evaluation?
- Will my child be labeled?
- What is an IFSP/IEP?
- What is secondary transition planning and when does it take place?
- If our family moves, what do I need to do?
- Do you support students in private schools?
What is special education?
What is the process for a special education evaluation?
Will my child be labeled?
What is an IFSP/IEP?
What is secondary transition planning and when does it take place?
If our family moves, what do I need to do?
Do you support students in private schools?
Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
Families play an important role not only in the development of their children but in the development of our school program as a whole. One of the ways that we keep the connection between families and school in our special education department is through the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC).
SEAC is a team of parents/guardians and staff who meet regularly throughout the school year. Meetings include updates on current special education topics and how the information relates to services for students. While some parents choose to attend nearly every meeting, we also welcome those of you who just want to drop in on one meeting to see what it is all about, or to drop in whenever your schedule allows.
Your ideas and contributions will be important considerations in the decision-making process. As a member of SEAC you will join other parents and school district staff to:
- Provide input into the decision-making process of the special education department.
- Promote communication between families, school and community.
- Advocate for high-quality educational programs for all learners.
For information on joining the meetings, please contact Jennifer Krueger, Director of Special Education, at jennifer.krueger@rspmn.org or 612-798-6043. We will meet from 6-7:30 p.m. online. The 2024-25 meeting dates are:
- October 28, 2024
- December 16, 2024
- February 24, 2025
- April 14, 2025
Work Experience Advisory Committee (WEAC)
The mission of the Work Experience Advisory Committee (WEAC) is to advise the Richfield Public School’s work-based learning program, empowering students to create a plan for their future and develop skills to excel as members of society.
The first meeting date of 2024-25 will be on October 9, 2024, from 11:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m. All meetings will be held virtually. For information on joining the meeting, email nate.edwards@rpsmn.org.
- October 9, 2024
- November 13, 2024
- December 11, 2024
- January 8, 2025
- February 12, 2025
- March 12, 2025
- April 9, 2025
- May 14, 2025
Other dates to put on your calendar:
- March 27, 2024 - RHS Job Olympics (In-person event at the District Office)
Additional Resources
- PACER Center: Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights, a national center based in Minnesota
- The Arc Minnesota: Advocacy and support for people with developmental disabilities and their families
- Minnesota Disability Law Center: Provides free civil legal assistance to individuals with disabilities on legal issues related to their disabilities
- Minnesota Association for Children’s Mental Health: Promotes positive mental health for all infants, children, adolescents and their families
- MN Department of Education: Special Education
- Help Me Connect: A navigator connecting pregnant individuals and families with young children (birth – 8 years old) with services in their local communities that empower families to be healthy and safe.
- A Comprehensive Guide for Students with Disabilities: A guide filled with tips, insights and help with supporting special education students in preparing for college.