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Meet the Counselors Who Support Our Students Every Day

Meet the Counselors Who Support Our Students Every Day

This week we are celebrating National School Counseling Week, and we want to take a moment to highlight the incredible school counselors across Richfield Public Schools! Our counselors play a vital role in supporting students academically, socially and emotionally. Whether they’re helping new students adjust, guiding upperclassmen toward graduation, registering students for classes and making sure everyone is on track, or just providing a listening ear and advice, their impact is felt every day.

At Richfield Middle School, Karen Scott and Toby Bergland have built a counseling team rooted in support, equity and strong relationships. Karen, who has been at RMS for 28 years, loves working with students and families. “Each and every student brings their unique personality and background to RMS, which makes our school a special community,” she said. “Working alongside our talented staff and committed families to help support students is an amazing opportunity.” She also gave a special shout-out to her colleague, Toby, saying, “I feel so fortunate to work in a place that feels like home. A special thank you to Toby Bergland, my co-worker for the last 25 years. She is an amazing colleague who I learn from every day!”

Toby echoed the sentiment. “I have been extremely blessed to work beside Karen Scott, my closest friend and confidante, for all 25 years at RMS! In addition to being an excellent counselor with an incredible work ethic, Karen also brings joy to students and staff every single day.” Toby’s favorite part of being a school counselor is supporting all students and families. “I am proud of RPS's commitment to equity,” she said, “and I love the positive energy of RMS students and staff! There is never a dull moment!”

At Richfield High School, ninth-grade counselor Morgan Kelley finds joy in meeting new students and learning about their backgrounds. “Every RHS student has a story and a rich history that they bring to the school. It is very inspiring!” she shared. Her coworker, 11th-grade counselor Jessica Okey, keeps it simple—what she loves most is “helping students and seeing their growth.” 

Sara Linde, the 12th-grade counselor at RHS, agrees, saying one of her favorite parts of the job is “watching kids grow through the years and graduate with pride.” She also added a little behind-the-scenes fun: “My office colleagues make me smile.” Danielle Jastrow, the 10th-grade counselor, loves working with students to explore what life looks like after high school. “It’s an exciting time in their lives because it feels like there are so many options and opportunities for them to explore,” she said. 

A Typical Day

Morgan, who has been a counselor for 15 years, also appreciates the unpredictability of her work. “Being a school counselor means that every day is different and you never get bored. We can see tough things, but there is also a lot of joy in our days.” 

Sara, Danielle and Jessica agree that no two days as a school counselor are the same. “Flexibility is key,” said Sara. Danielle said, “No matter what we think our day will look like or what we have planned, we have to be ready to adjust to the needs of our students and staff.” Karen agrees, saying that the variety in her day is one of her favorite parts about her job. 

Our school counselors are an essential part of our district, helping students navigate challenges, set goals and build bright futures. Their work is invaluable and we are so grateful for all they do.

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