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RMS Student Selected for the MBDA Jazz Honor Band

RMS Student Selected for the MBDA Jazz Honor Band

Eighth grade trombone player Irving Needleman has earned a prestigious spot in the Minnesota Band Directors Association 7-8 Jazz Honor Band. He is the only student representing Richfield Public Schools and one of just three trombonists selected statewide—a remarkable accomplishment! Irving will be playing second trombone, which is especially exciting as it includes solos.

Irving's love for music started early. At just three years old, he picked up his first baritone. By six or seven, he was learning piano, and by fourth grade, he discovered his passion for the trombone. “I’ve loved it ever since,” he shares.

For Irving, currently in the 8th grade at Richfield Middle School, playing music is all about creativity, challenges and collaboration. “I love that everyone in my band plays a part in reaching a common goal,” he explains. That dedication recently earned him a spot in the Minnesota Band Directors Association 7-8 Jazz Honor Band, an achievement he describes as both happy and humbling. “Being surrounded by jazz since I was young made me fall in love with it,” he says, crediting his dad for inspiring his journey.

Irving has some advice for incoming sixth graders considering joining the band: “Do it! Not just because you get to make beautiful music every day, but also because the challenges and hard times will benefit you even if it doesn’t seem like that.”

As for the future? Irving is keeping his options open. With a family full of educators, engineers and professional musicians, he’s exploring his many interests while focusing on life’s next steps, which include attending Richfield High School in the fall. Whatever the future holds, it’s clear that Irving’s passion for music will remain a key part of his journey.

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