Hannah Olson, a 2008 graduate of Richfield High School, has found her passion in an unexpected field—llama events. Her business, Happy Jolly Llamas, brings joy to private parties, businesses and community events with the help of two special llamas named Dill and Pickle.
News & Communications
We Are All Storytellers
Every single day, something magical happens in school. Some days it’s big and other days it’s small — from a preschool student mastering a new skill to a senior being crowned homecoming royalty — great stories are everywhere! With your help, we can elevate and celebrate the daily activities taking place in classrooms, cafeterias and hallways so that everyone can share the joy, pride and wonder that happens in Richfield Public Schools each and every day.
Communication Resources
Marketing Resources
District News
Learn more about the Marching Spartans and check out their summer performance schedule.
Congratulations to our students who received Spartan Foundation Scholarships! We celebrated them at the 34th Annual Richfield Spartan Foundation Scholarship Award Ceremony on May 29, 2024.
We are thrilled to announce that Richfield High School has been awarded a place on the "Best Public High Schools 2024-25" list by U.S. News and World Report for the second year in a row!
Choir students at Richfield Middle School enjoyed a special treat in April, thanks to a grant provided by Chorus America.
Students who performed in our recent production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat received multiple awards from the Hennepin Theatre Trust Spotlight recognition program!
Additional Contact Information
- General inquiries: rps-pr@rpsmn.org
- Website-related inquiries: webmaster@rpsmn.org
- Social media: socialmedia@rpsmn.org