Softball, Adapted
About Adapted Softball
Adapted athletics are governed by the Minnesota State High School League and allows co-ed students with various types of challenges to represent their high school in competitive sports. Any student in grades 7-12 with a condition that prevents them from “keeping up” with the pace of typical middle or high school sports may participate. There are two separate leagues with specific requirements for participation: physically impaired and cognitively impaired. Rules are adapted for safety and limitations.
South Suburban Flyers - PI (physically impaired)
The criteria for participation on this team is that the student has:
Neuromuscular, postural/skeletal, traumatic, growth or neurological impairment that affects motor function, modifies gait patterns or requires the use of a prosthesis or a mobility device including but not limited to, canes, crutches or wheelchairs.
Cardio/respiratory impairment that is deemed safe for competitive athletics but limits the intensity and duration of physical exertion such that sustained activity for over five minutes at 60% of maximum heart rate for age results in physical distress in spite of appropriate management of the health condition.
South Suburban Jets - CI (cognitively impaired)
The criteria for participation on this team is that the student has:
The student must have a diagnosed and documented cognitive impairment. Cognitively impaired refers to students with a sub-average intellectual function defined by a full-scale intelligence quotient of 70 or below, using a standardized, nationally-normed, technically adequate and individually administered intelligence test.
Adapted sports include soccer in the fall, floor hockey in the winter and softball in the spring.
Team Details
Upcoming Schedule
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Register for Adapted Sports
- CI Jets: Contact Stephanie Kasel (Jefferson H.S. Activities Secretary) at 952-806-7627 or email her at
- PI Flyers: Lori Esser (Kennedy H.S. Activities Secretary) at 952-681-5012 or email her at