Testing & Assessments
Each year, we administer and analyze district-selected and state-mandated assessments. The information that is obtained from these assessments is used by teachers, administrators and parents to help them better understand how our students are learning important skills in reading, writing, mathematics and social-emotional learning. .
Our assessment and evaluation program uses student achievement and growth data to provide instructional programming, procedures, or placement for students in accordance with their demonstrated academic and social-emotional skills.
Our mission is to collect meaningful information, communicate the information in a user-friendly way and utilize the information to make strong instructional decisions that will best serve our students.
You can view assessment results on the Minnesota Report Card.
Richfield Assessments
- ACCESS for English Language Learners
- The American College Test (ACT)
- Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Universal Screener
- Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)
- Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA-III)
- Minnesota Test of Academic Skills (MTAS)
- FastBridge: mySAEBRS
- FastBridge
ACCESS for English Language Learners
The American College Test (ACT)
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) Universal Screener
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP)
Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA-III)
Minnesota Test of Academic Skills (MTAS)
FastBridge: mySAEBRS
School and District Accountability
The State of Minnesota uses the North Star system to identify schools and districts for support. The North Star system was designed using extensive feedback from diverse stakeholders across Minnesota to satisfy the requirements of the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and the state’s World’s Best Workforce law.
The broad idea of accountability includes three main areas: identifying schools for support, publicly reporting data and recognizing schools for success. Each of these areas provides valuable information to families, communities and educators. The information on this page focuses on identifying schools for support.
Identifying schools and districts for support helps Minnesota prioritize its resources and deliver the most extensive support to the schools and districts where those resources can do the most good. Both overall performance and the performance of specific student groups (major racial and ethnic groups, English learners, students in special education and students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch) are considered when making identifications. Support can come from the Regional Centers of Excellence (RCEs), a local school district, the Minnesota Department of Education, or some combination of all three depending on context and needs. For more information about ESSA and accountability, visit the Minnesota Department of Education website.
RPS Accountability Documents