953.1 Guideline: Visitors to School District Buildings and Sites
953.1 Guideline: Visitors to School District Buildings and Sites
These guidelines are intended to assist in the implementation of Board Policy 953: Visitors to School District Buildings and Sites.
A. Visitors include all people at the school site who are not staff or fully enrolled students.
B. Visitors are welcome in our schools. For security reasons, all visitors are expected to sign in using each building’s defined entry process including obtaining a visitor's pass.
C. In general, a visitor's pass is required on school days between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. The principal at each school shall be responsible for establishing the site-specific hours for issuance of visitor passes. Passes are not required of:
1. Persons voting or aiding in the conduct of any official federal, state, county, city or school district election.
2. Persons attending any scheduled athletic, recreational, cultural, or other school event to which the public is invited.
3. Salespersons, job applicants, and persons who are making deliveries of materials and supplies previously ordered.
4. Visitors to the district administration offices outside of school hours.
D. The school principal may limit visits as to time or purpose or both. Either the superintendent or school principal may revoke the visitation privilege if necessary to assure safety and security of students and staff or to insure the orderly conduct of school programs.
E. Elected officials may visit schools upon permission of the building principal and superintendent and under time and purpose limitations specified in Section D above.
1. During a school visit, elected officials may provide information and respond to questions, but may not distribute campaign literature or tell students, staff or others in attendance how to vote.
2. Print material furnished by the elected official must be reviewed and approved for distribution by the building principal prior to distribution, in accordance with expectations and requirements pertaining to content as well as the time, place and manner of distribution, as outlined in Board Policy 109: Distribution of Materials on School Premises.
F. No person shall violate the terms of the visitor's pass, or remain in the school building under any of the following circumstances:
1. They have been denied permission to visit.
2. Their permission has been revoked.
3. They have been directed by the principal or assistant principal to leave the premises.
If a building administrator feels personally threatened or is concerned about maintaining the safety of the school setting, the administrator is encouraged to seek support and assistance from another administrator, the police other public safety personnel, or other responsible adult.
It is expected that Board Policy 953 and these administrative guidelines will be broadly communicated via District and building publications and the District website. Each building will also publish specific information in the student handbook regarding visitor procedures for each individual building.
Cross References:
Board Policy 109: Distribution of Materials on School Premises
Dated: 5-21-01
Revised: 2-6-06, 11-6-06, 12-4-17, 5-1-23