801.1 Guideline: Student Use of Secondary School Facilities
801.1 Guideline: Student Use of Secondary School Facilities
A. Any secondary student who wishes to initiate a meeting under Board Policy 801 shall apply to the principal of the building at least 48 hours in advance of the time of the activity or meeting. The student must agree to the following:
1. All activities or meetings must comply with existing policies, regulations, and procedures that govern operation of school-sponsored activities.
2. The activities or meetings are voluntary and student-initiated. The principal may require assurances of this fact.
B. Student groups meeting under this policy must comply with the following rules:
1. Those attending must not engage in any activity that is illegal, dangerous, or which materially and substantially interferes with the orderly conduct of the educational activities of the school. Such activities shall be grounds for discipline of an individual student and grounds for a particular group to be denied access.
2. The groups may not use the school name, school mascot name, school emblems, the District name, or any name that might imply school or District sponsorship or affiliation in any activity, including fundraising and community involvement.
3. The groups must comply with school policies, regulations and procedures governing school-sponsored activities.
C. Students applying for use of school facilities under this policy must provide the following information to the principal: time and date of meeting, estimated number of students in attendance, and special equipment needs.
D. The building principal has responsibility to:
1. Keep a log of application information;
2. Find and assign a suitable room for the meeting or activity. The number of students in attendance will be limited to the safe capacity of the meeting space.
3. Note the condition of the facilities and equipment before and after use.
4. Assure proper supervision. Assignment of staff to be present in a supervisory capacity does not constitute District sponsorship of the meeting or activity.
5. Assure that the meeting or activity does not interfere with the school's regular instructional activities.
E. The District shall not expend public funds for the benefit of students meeting pursuant to this policy beyond the incidental cost of providing space. The District will provide no additional or special transportation.
F. Nonschool persons may not direct, conduct, control, or regularly attend meetings and activities held pursuant to this policy.
G. District employees or agents may not promote, lead, participate in, or otherwise sponsor meetings or activities held pursuant to this policy.
H. A copy of Board Policy 801 and its accompanying administrative guidelines shall be made available to each student who initiates a request to use school facilities.
Dated: 10-5-98
Reviewed: 02-20-18
Revised: 12-4-23