The purpose of these administrative guidelines is to assist in the implementation of Board Policy 783: Video Surveillance.
A. Placement
1. Video surveillance may occur in any Richfield Public Schools building, on any District property, and in any school bus owned, leased, contracted and/or operated by the District.
2. All school buses owned, leased, contracted and/or operated by the District using video cameras may have signs notifying riders that their conversations and/or actions may be recorded on tape. Signage may also be placed at the entry to parking lots and on building entry doors pertaining to the possible video surveillance of buildings, grounds and parking lots.
3. Video surveillance will not be used in bathrooms or locker rooms, although these areas may be placed under surveillance by individuals of the same sex as the occupants of the bathrooms or locker rooms.
B. Use of Video Recordings
1. Video recordings will be viewed by District personnel on a random basis and/or when problems have been brought to the attention of the District.
2. A video recording may be used as evidence in criminal or disciplinary action against a student, employee, or visitor arising out of misconduct.
3. A video recording will be released only when in conformance with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, and/or the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.
4. A video recording will be retained by the District for a period of six (6) weeks, or until the conclusion of disciplinary proceedings in which the video recording is used for evidence.
5. Release of video data will be legally restricted based on the regulations outlined in Policy 581: Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records.
C. Communication and Requests
1. This policy shall be communicated to families yearly in the student handbook and posted on the District website.
2. Requests for release of video data will follow regulations outlined in Policy 581: Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records.
Dated: April 21, 2003
Revised: May 07, 2018; January 22, 2024