653.2 Guideline: Extended Field Trips
653.2 Guideline: Extended Field Trips
A. These administrative guidelines are to facilitate arrangements for extended student field trips, pursuant to Board Policy 653.
B. The administrative guidelines shall cover any student travel that results from District/school promotion of the activity through the following:
- distribution of information and/or materials,
- coordination of arrangements by District/school personnel,
- receipt of participation fees,
- collection of permission slips, and/or
- recruitment of chaperones.
C. These regulations are to be followed regardless of whether the student travel activity is sponsored by the District/school, community group, state or local association, and/or business organization.
A. Before any student overnight travel is discussed with students or parents, the sponsoring staff member(s) shall complete the Extended Field Trip Application form (Appendix A) and submit it to the building principal for approval.
B. The building principal will use the following information when considering the appropriateness of the trip:
1. Educational value
2. Safety and welfare of the students involved
3. Relevance to described objectives of the class or group
4. Age appropriateness of the proposed travel
5. Lack of interference with other school activities
6. Support of staff if the proposed requires students to be absent from school
7. Availability of funds, expenses for students, or projected success of fundraising activities
8. Accessibility to all potential participants
A. Approved adequate student supervision for each trip must be assured. A 1:12 ratio of chaperones to students is recommended.
B. Chaperones must sign the Extended Field Trip Chaperone Agreement (Appendix B), indicating a willingness to accept and adhere to the expectations and rules outlined in the agreement.
C. Travel outside of a 70 mile radius of Richfield High School will be arranged through a commercial carrier or school-owned vehicle as directed by the transportation department.
D. Parents and guardians will be informed, in advance, of the anticipated itinerary, costs, and activities.
E. There shall be clear, written communication of prospective travel details to parents/guardians, students, and chaperones, including information of behavioral expectations.
F. Parent/guardian permission for student participation shall be secured in writing, and both the participating student and their parent/ guardian must sign the Extended Field Trip Student and Parent Agreement Form (Appendix C) indicating a willingness to accept and adhere to the expectations and rules outlined in the agreement.
G. All funds collected for the travel program will be handled through an approved District bank account.
H. Fundraising activities should be approved and coordinated by the building principal. Students who fully participate in the fundraising efforts should be able to entirely cover the cost of their participation in the extended field trip. Field trip organizers shall be responsible for ensuring that inability to pay does not become a barrier to student participation.
I. Precautionary health/safety measures for the health of students, staff, and chaperones shall be provided prior to departure.
J. Reasonable accommodations for students, staff, and chaperones with disabilities shall be provided.
K. All students, regardless of their gender identity, have the right to participate fully in overnight trips and other activities. In all cases, the school has an obligation to maintain the privacy of all students and cannot disclose or require the disclosure of a student’s transgender status.
L. No less than one week prior to departure, the organizing teacher and building principal must both sign off on the Extended Field Trip Verification Form (Appendix D).
M. Richfield Public Schools reserves the right to cancel or postpone a trip and will not be responsible for non-refunded deposits or other expenses that have been incurred.
N. As referenced in Board Policy 653, all applicable laws, Minnesota State High School League rules, school board policies and administrative guidelines, and employment agreements will be in effect in travel situations, just as they are on District property.
O. Failure of a student to adhere to applicable laws, policies and rules will result in consequences that may include the student being sent home immediately at their personal or family expense. Failure of the organizing teacher, advisor, coach, and/or chaperone to adhere to applicable laws, policies and rules will also result in appropriate consequences.
Dated: December 7, 2004
Revised: July 17, 2023