582.1 Guideline: Notification to Staff Students with History of Violent Behavior or Receipt of Disposition Order
582.1 Guideline: Notification to Staff Students with History of Violent Behavior or Receipt of Disposition Order
1. Minnesota statutes require notification to appropriate school staff of information about students with histories of violent behavior and of receipt of disposition orders.
Minnesota Statute 121A.64 Notification (complete)
Representatives of the school board and the exclusive representative of the teachers shall discuss issues related to notification prior to placement in classrooms of students with histories of violent behavior and any need for intervention services or conflict resolution or training for staff in these cases.
Minnesota Statute 121A.75 Receipt of disposition order; sharing (summary)
Upon receipt of a disposition order, the principal must:
1. place the disposition order in the student’s permanent education record.
2. immediately notify any counselor assigned to the student.
3. immediately notify any staff (including substitutes or volunteers) who need the data to work with the student in an appropriate manner, to avoid being needlessly vulnerable, or to protect other persons from needless vulnerability.
When provided in the disposition order, the notice given must identify the student, outline the offense, and describe any conditions of probation about which the school must provide information. Information received under this subdivision is private data and is received for the limited purpose of serving the educational needs of the student and protecting students or staff. The data may not be further disseminated by the teacher, counselor, staff member, and administrator except as necessary to serve the student, to protect students or staff, or as otherwise required by law.
The District 280 Belief Statement (Strategy 5) holds that maintaining a safe, supportive, respectful and caring environment is the responsibility of the district in collaboration with the students, staff, family, and community.
Immediate notification to staff is required upon receipt of information regarding a history of violent behavior or upon receipt of a disposition order for a student who is currently enrolled in school.
Notification to staff prior to placement of student in classrooms is required upon receipt of information regarding a history of violent behavior or upon receipt of a disposition order for a student in the process of enrolling in school.
1. Staff member receiving information on a student with a history of violent behavior or receiving a disposition order must inform the building/program administrator.
2. Building/program administrator or designee verifies background information prior to notification of staff.
3. Building/program administrator notifies appropriate staff.
4. Building/program administrator notifies parents of violent students that the District will be giving notice of the history of violent behavior to the student’s classroom teacher and other employees who have a legitimate educational interest.
Violence related:
Gross Misdemeanor
physical assault on staff
possession / use weapon
terroristic threat to staff
2 or more fight incidents per year, which results in suspension
Staff need to know as determined by building administration may include but not limited to:
administrative staff
bus drivers
extra/co-curricular advisors
health specialist
office staff
police liaison
Dated: December 15, 2003
Reviewed: June 17, 2008