547.1 Guideline: Richfield Dual Language School Uniform Dress
547.1 Guideline: Richfield Dual Language School Uniform Dress
A. At Richfield Dual Language School (RDLS), we seek to create the best learning environment for all students and believe that a safe and disciplined learning environment is the first requirement of an effective school. In order to promote school pride, unity, discipline, and civility, students are encouraged to wear the school uniform.
B. Consistent with Section IV.A. of Board Policy 547: Student Dress and Appearance, the uniform dress guidelines for RDLS reflect involvement of the school community, take into consideration the financial ability of students to purchase uniforms, and allow for exemption upon parent request.
C. This administrative guideline applies at all times on the school campus, on buses, on field trips and other school-sponsored activities. Students are expected to remain in uniform all day, including after school while remaining on campus.
The potential benefits of a uniform policy include:
A. Putting the focus on academics rather than fashion;
B. Lowering the cost of school clothes;
C. Ensuring a safe school environment by preventing students from wearing inappropriate insignias;
D. Helping students to differentiate between a learning environment and a play environment;
E. Instilling a sense of school pride and discipline.
A. Parents wishing to exempt their student from the uniform dress guidelines may opt-out by completing the attached Application for Exemption form. The exemption is effective upon review by the building principal. An exemption is valid only for the current school year and must be renewed at the beginning of each school year.
B. Groups officially sanctioned by the school or district may wear their uniforms in place of the school uniform.
C. Students may wear school shirts of any type sold by the school in place of the school uniform.
A. The colors for RDLS are: burgundy, burgundy plaid, white, gray, khaki, and black.
B. Students may choose from among the following uniform dress options as long as they are in the RDLS colors:
- Polo shirt, short or long sleeve
- Dress shirt, short or long sleeve
- T-shirt, short or long sleeve
- Pants
- Shorts
- Skort
- Jumper
- Skirt
- Dress
- Sweater
- Sweatshirt
- Athletic or black dress shoes (no sandals or open-toed shoes, no lights or wheels on shoes)
Dated: July 15, 2019
Revised: November 4, 2024