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521 Policy: Graduation Requirements

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521 Policy: Graduation Requirements

Continue to Guideline 521.1: Granting of Diplomas to Students with Disabilities

Continue to Guideline 521.2: Youth Service Requirement for Graduation from Richfield High School


The purpose of this policy is to set forth requirements for graduation from Richfield Public Schools.


It is the policy of Richfield Public Schools that all students must satisfactorily complete all course credit requirements and graduation standards, as established by the school board in order to graduate.


A temporary change to graduation requirements was established due to the COVD-19 pandemic for students with graduation years 2021-2024. This temporary change made students eligible for graduation after completing only 11 semesters of elective credits and a total of 44 credits. This change is no longer in effect for students with graduation years 2025 and beyond. However, students who had a graduation school year of 2021-2024 and have not yet graduated are still eligible to graduate using the temporary requirements once their credits are completed until the year in which they turn 21.  


A. Richfield Senior High School students must currently earn a minimum of forty-nine (49) semester credits in order to be eligible for graduation. 

Students may earn more than the minimum number of credits if they desire.  

B. To be eligible for graduation from Richfield Senior High School, each student must successfully complete the following requirements:

Credit Requirements include achievement of required Minnesota Academic Standards:

  • 8 credits of English
  • 6 credits of Mathematics – This requirement includes Intermediate Algebra, Geometry and Advanced Algebra or higher.
  • 6 credits of Science –This requirement includes 2 credits of Earth and Space Science, 2 credits of Life Science/Biology and 2 credits of Chemistry or Physics.
  • 8 credits of Social Studies – This requirement includes Human Geography (2 credits), World History (2 credits), U.S. History (2 credits), Economics (1 credit) and Government (1 credit).
  • 2 credits in the Fine Arts
  • 2 credits of Physical Education
  • 1 credit of Health
  • 16 elective course credits. Elective credits are all classes that are not specifically required for Richfield graduation.

C. Beginning with the Class of 2026, students will only be required to complete 1 credit of Physical Education and will be required to complete 17 elective course credits.

D. Beginning with the Class of 2028, students must successfully complete 1 credit of Personal Finance and only 16 elective course credits.


All senior students will be required to perform a minimum of fifteen (15) hours of youth service between the end of their junior year and the end of their senior year.         


Graduates must successfully complete required Minnesota Academic Standards for Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies and Arts.

Graduation requirements for special education students, students with 504 Plans and limited English proficiency will comply with Minnesota Statute §125A.03.


A. The District will notify students and their parents of the District’s graduation requirements within 30 working days of a student’s entry into ninth grade. 

B. Consistent with the mission and belief statements of the board of education and to the extent permitted by law, flexibility will be provided as to the designation of courses which meet requirements.  It is also intended that students have some choice as to when requirements are met.

C. Richfield Public Schools will recognize student academic achievement obtained outside of the District as specified in Policy 620: Credit for Outside Learning. Transferred credits will be applied to Richfield graduation requirements.

D. Students who transfer to Richfield Public Schools from a high school setting with fewer than 7 periods per day may qualify for an elective waiver for up to 2 elective credits. Requests for this waiver will be submitted to the high school counseling office.

F. If a student desires early graduation, they must submit a plan in writing to their counselor prior to the start of the senior year.  This written plan must have the endorsement of the student's parent or guardian and the approval of the high school administration.  Students who have graduated early will not be eligible to participate in identified co-curricular activities but are encouraged to take part in graduation ceremonies and events.

1. All course or standards and credit requirements must be met;

2. Principal or designee shall conduct an interview with the student and parent or guardian to familiarize the parties with opportunities available in post-secondary education and arrive at a timely decision; and

3. The principal’s decision shall be in writing and may be subject to review by the superintendent and school board.

G. A uniform diploma will be awarded to all graduates. Special commendations may be awarded to individual graduates.

H. This policy will be subject to review due to changing rules and requirements from the State of Minnesota as well as other emerging needs and priorities.


Cross References:      

Board Policy 524: Promotion, Retention and Acceleration

Board Policy 601: Academic Standards and Instructional Curriculum

Board Policy 620: Credit for Outside Learning


Legal References:       

Minnesota Statute 125A.04 (High School Diploma)

Minnesota Statute 120B.02 (Educational Expectations and Graduation Requirements for Minnesota’s Students)

Minn. Stat. 120B.07 (Early Graduation)

Minn. Stat. §125A.03 (Special Instruction for Children with a Disability)

Minn. Rules Part 3501.0660 (Academic Standards For Kindergarten through Grade 12)

Minn. Rules Parts 3501.0700-3501.0745 (Academic Standards for Mathematics)

Minn. Rules Part 3501.0820 (Academic Arts Standards for Kindergarten through Grade 12)

Minn. Rules Parts 3501.0900-3501.0960 (Academic Standards in Science)

Minn. Rules Parts 3501.1200-1210 (Academic Standards for English Language Development)

Minn. Rules Parts 3501.1300-3501.1345 (Academic Standards for Social Studies)

Minn. Rules Parts 3501.1400-3501.1410 (Academic Standards for Physical Education)

20 U.S.C. § 6301, et seq. (Every Student Succeeds Act)




REVISED BY THE BOARD OF EDUCATION: July 21, 1986; May 21, 1990; June 20, 1994; April 15, 1996; June 1, 1998; January 22, 2001; August 4, 2003; January 5, 2004; October 1, 2007; August 15, 2011; July 15, 2014; December 19, 2016; May 1, 2017; April 19, 2021; December 6, 2021; December 16, 2024