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303.1 Guideline: Superintendent Evaluation

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303.1 Guideline: Superintendent Evaluation

The purpose of these guidelines is to facilitate the superintendent evaluation process, pursuant to Board Policy 303.


Every effort will be made to carry out the evaluation process in accordance with the following timeline:

June: Year-end status report on annual superintendent goals

Written superintendent self-evaluation based on all areas addressed in the superintendent evaluation form (appended)

June/July: Individual board member input to chair regarding superintendent's performance

Board chair collects feedback from the superintendent’s direct report staff members for consideration in the evaluative process

Board chair meets with superintendent to convey board's evaluation of performance

Completion of formal written evaluation of superintendent's performance for the previous year, shared with the superintendent at a closed meeting of the board

August: Board chair publicly reports outcome of evaluation process.

September/October: Board review and finalization of proposed new superintendent goals.                     

February: Mid-year board review of progress toward superintendent goals.

Evaluation Instruments

All board members will provide input toward the completion of pages 1-3 of the attached superintendent evaluation form, following review of the District strategic plan and vision cards, year-end superintendent goals report, superintendent's written self-evaluation, and the superintendent's job description (appended). The board chair will complete page 4 of the evaluation form after reviewing each board member's input.

Relation of Pay to Performance

The superintendent may be eligible for incentive pay as agreed to within the superintendent’s contract as negotiated between the superintendent and the board. If such an agreement exists, the actual grant amount shall be determined by the board chair. The amount of the incentive grant will be determined based on the board’s collective assessment of the superintendent’s performance in all areas encompassed by the superintendent evaluation.


Dated: April 20, 1992.

Reviewed: March 5, 2012

Revised: November 21, 1994; September 3, 1996; May 15, 2000; August 6, 2001; January 3, 2005; January 3, 2017; December 5, 2022