- Using a Racial and Cultural Equity Lens
- Our Equity Policy
- Gender Inclusion
- Title IX
- Innocent Classroom
- Land Acknowledgment
Using a Racial and Cultural Equity Lens
We are committed to viewing and analyzing all of our work through a racial and cultural equity lens so that each individual can learn, grow and excel. We will partner with families and the community to better identify and eliminate barriers that can interfere with each individual's opportunity to excel.
As outlined in our strategic plan, all learners will have access to rigorous learning opportunities. We will strive to have all students achieve high-level academic outcomes that are not predictable by race, culture, socioeconomic status, language, gender, ethnicity or any other characteristic. Learners–both students and staff–will acquire an awareness of their own identity, value others' similarities and differences, and gain a deep understanding of how all of us intersect with our global society.
We believe:
- in inspiring our students to grow, adapt and discover their place in the world
- all children have a right to quality education, high standards, rigorous curriculum and powerful instruction
- in providing instruction that supports the different ways people learn
- that valuing our diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives fosters unity and empowers all
- the collective efforts of students, home, school and community form the foundations for excellence
- that core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility will be modeled, taught and nurtured
- it is everyone's responsibility to provide a safe, supportive and engaging environment
We will:
- provide a high-quality, competitive educational program
- accelerate achievement for ALL students
- engage family and community members as partners
- ensure an environment where ALL belong
Our Equity Policy
The purpose of our equity policy is to provide an environment in which all students achieve high-level academic outcomes that are not predictable by race, culture, socioeconomic status, language, gender, sexual orientation, ability, religion, migratory status or any other real or perceived demographic characteristic.
We are committed to viewing and analyzing all of our work through a racial and cultural equity lens that intentionally subverts the policies and practices of institutional racism. Through this ongoing anti-racist work, we will identify and interrupt practices and policies that elevate white supremacy and/or perpetuate institutional racism in any form in order to ensure all our students succeed. Educational environments are enriched and improved by the contributions, perspectives and very presence of diverse participants. We will provide a high-quality, personalized educational program with rich opportunities for all students in a real community where each individual is welcomed and belongs.
Gender Inclusion
All students need a safe, supportive school environment to progress academically and developmentally. We work to ensure our schools are fully inclusive for all students regardless of gender identity or gender expression. Furthermore, no student will be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination under any of our educational programs or activities on the basis of sex or gender identity.
Title IX
Title IX protects people of all sexes, genders, gender expressions and sexual orientations. Title IX prohibits sexual harassment in educational settings. It states that "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance." (Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. Part 106)
Richfield Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, as required by Title IX and its regulations, including in employment. Inquiries about the application of Title IX and its regulations may be referred to the District’s Title IX Coordinator, the federal Office for Civil Rights, or both. To report information about conduct that may constitute sex discrimination or make a complaint of sex discrimination under Title IX, please contact the Title IX Coordinator: Craig Holje, 612-798-6031, craig.holje@rpsmn.org, 401 70th St. W., Richfield, MN 55423. The District’s Title IX policy and grievance procedures are outlined in Policy 115: Title IX.
More information about Title IX can be found on the United States Department of Education website. Materials used to train our Title IX coordinators, investigators, decision-makers and alternative dispute resolution facilitators can be downloaded here:
Title IX Coordinator
Innocent Classroom
Since 2016, we have implemented Innocent Classroom from the Minnesota Humanities Center. We continue to train all staff in this important program each year.
Innocent Classroom:
- transforms classrooms and relationships
- deepens relationships with staff and students, particularly our students of color
- increases equity throughout the District
- undermines the impact of societal negative stereotypes, low expectations and bias
- provides an environment where all students are free to achieve
Land Acknowledgment
A Land Acknowledgment is a formal statement that recognizes and respects Indigenous Peoples as traditional stewards of this land and the enduring relationship that exists between Indigenous Peoples and their traditional territories.
It is a traditional custom that dates back centuries in many Native nations and communities. Today, Land Acknowledgments are used by Native Peoples and non-Natives to recognize the Indigenous Peoples who are the original stewards of the lands on which we now live. Before public events and other important gatherings, a speaker offers this acknowledgment on behalf of everyone present. 1
A Land Acknowledgment is an expression of gratitude and appreciation to those whose territory we reside on, and a way of honoring the Indigenous Peoples who have been living and working on the land from time immemorial. It is important to understand the long-standing history that has brought us to reside on the land, and to seek to understand our place within that history. Land Acknowledgements do not exist in a past tense, or historical context — colonialism is a current ongoing process, and we need to build mindfulness of our present participation. 2
History of the RPS Land Acknowledgment
In alignment with our equity policy and ongoing equity work, the Richfield School Board asked District leaders to develop a Land Acknowledgment in partnership with the American Indian Parent Advisory Committee (AIPAC). District staff researched the history of our area and helped draft a statement that was reviewed on multiple occasions by AIPAC members. The final draft was presented to the Richfield School Board and unanimously supported.
The RPS Land Acknowledgment
Richfield Public Schools acknowledges that we are located on the ancestral land of the Dakota people, who have lived on and cared for the land since time immemorial. Indigenous nations have a long history of stewardship and preservation of the local area. We are grateful for the guardianship of these lands which hold historical, spiritual and personal significance to the Dakota people.
The Cessation 289 Treaty of 1851 names the Wahpeton and Sisseton Bands of the Dakota People. The United States government used this treaty to steal land from its Indigenous groups. The Richfield Public School District continues to benefit from this unjust treaty.
We honor the history, sacrifices and continued contributions of the Dakota People and all members of the Richfield community who belong to Indigenous groups. Richfield Public Schools acknowledges the reality and history of these lands and affirms our appreciation of and support for Indigenous peoples.
1 Native American Council at The University of Iowa
2 Native American & Indigenous Initiatives at Northwestern University